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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



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With a nontraditional instruction (NTI) day, school buildings are closed but students participate in learning at home. It counts as a school day and does not need to be made up or added to the calendar. Students use their Chromebooks to complete lessons virtually. 

At RPE, all teachers have a Google Classroom. All assignments and information about what is required for your student to complete on an NTI day will be located there.  Homeroom teachers have emailed out more specific information.  Once we return to school, students will have 3 days to return the completed assignments. Students will be working at their own pace on assignments during an NTI day; there are no live lessons. Teachers will have "office hours" from 8:30-10:30 AM on NTI days. If a student has a question, they can join the Google Meet via Google Classroom and ask the teacher during those times.

Chromebooks are being sent home with students each day through the end of February to ensure that students are prepared for an NTI weather day. Please make sure your student's Chromebook comes to school fully charged each day. 

Please email your student's teacher if you have any questions.

District Resources: 

Tech Support 

Help Desk: (859) 422-5555

FCPS Weather Guidelines