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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



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Rosa Parks chapter

Rosa Parks PTA


Welcome Trailblazer Families! RPE PTA is committed to our mission: make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for children. 

Rosa Parks Elementary encourages every family in the school to become a PTA member to support the success of their child. We want a diverse and inclusive membership base that reflects all of the families and needs of students at the school. PTA strengthens connections between your family, your child’s classmates and their families and teachers to build a thriving and inclusive community for everyone.

Join PTA


2024-2025 PTA Board 

President: Brittany Sigmon

Secretary: Ellen Fairbanks

Treasurer: Laura Pentova

VP of Academic Enrichment: Diahann Gross

VP of Health & Community Service: Heather Marr

VP of School Enrichment: Ally Emig

VP of Student Enrichment: Tory Eastman

VP of Support Services: Toa Green & Kimberly Baker

2024-2025 Parent Representatives for the SBDM Council

Laura Darolia

Zhenying Jiang

Will Moynahan


'Like' RPEPTA on Facebook


Kroger Plus Card

One simple step equals free money for Rosa Parks PTA!

This year Kroger will give $3.6 million to nonprofits, and you can make sure part of those funds come to Rosa Parks. It is easy and doesn't cost a thing. All you need to do is go online and register your Kroger Plus Card, selecting Rosa Parks PTA (10334) as your chosen charity, and every time you use your card, a portion of what you spend will go to our school! (If you have already participated, you do NOT have to re-enroll.) Check the Kroger Card site for detailed instructions.